From Libby: This is pretty awesome, thank you Google Earth! You should still call me though-I promise I won't make you wait!
You’re thousands of miles and two years from home when your decades-long dream of a creating a vineyard suddenly beckons. You can: 1. Wait; 2. Call a realtor and wait; or 3. Try out a beta-version of a new program called Google Earth and get that dream going yourself. Living in Ireland in 2005, Oregon residents Scott Elder and Stephanie LaMonica went for it. Relying on Google Earth, they found their perfect family farmland -- without ever setting foot on it. In 2006, they planted their vineyard just outside The Dalles, Oregon, a place they never even knew existed.
With the dream of sunshine, grapes and wine pushing him on throughout a dark, blustery Irish winter, Scott, a scientist by education but Kansas farm kid at heart, got to work, poring over the Oregon landscape from thousands of miles away. Like a modern-day explorer, he was looking for the undiscovered gem, a hillside that would grow the distinct wines he had envisioned from his time spent in France years earlier, under the tutelage of noted French wine merchant, Jean-Yves Belin.
Click here to read entire article on Google Earth Stories.
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